• jul 04

    Send notifications to your phone with PushJet

Recently, I've faced the need of monitoring some basic checks in my laptop and wanted to be rapidly notified about them. Basically I have a small script scheduled in my crontab and want it to clearly notify me when it returns errors. My real task was a little bit more complicated, but let's say I just wanted to check the free space on root partition.

  • feb 02

    PI4fun (Part 2)

Estimating $\pi$ for fun (Part 2: illustrating the process)

In previous post we could see how to estimate $\pi$ value with a simple Monte Carlo algorithm.

Now we're going to illustrate the process with some simple plots.

Let's remember the code we prevously had:

  • dic 05

    PI4fun (Part 1)

Estimating $\pi$ for fun (Part 1: the basics)

The proposed project in this article is an example I tend to use in my Python introductory courses. The purpose is to calculate a dummy PI estimation based on a damn simple Monte Carlo algorithm.

It’s a simple and fun example that can be approached in a really direct and simple way, but that can be improved in many ways.

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