jul 04
Send notifications to your phone with PushJet
Recently, I've faced the need of monitoring some basic checks in my laptop and wanted to be rapidly notified about them. Basically I have a small script scheduled in my crontab and want it to clearly notify me when it returns errors. My real task was a little bit more complicated, but let's say I just wanted to check the free space on root partition.
oct 17
Python and Object Oriented Configuration Management
The DevOps paradigm is really cool. Everyone wants to deploy their environments with Puppet on top of OpenStack. It brings reproducibility and scalability at a tremendous speed. This is simply awesome and undoubtedly the way to go forward.
Almost nobody will discuss the benefits of adopting a standard DevOps paradigm ...
abr 09
Pydata Madrid 2016 video: Towards a full stack python monitoring+analytics framework
Presentation for PyData Madrid 2016: Towards a full stack python monitoring+analytics framework
In this talk, we attempt to design a full stack python monitoring+analytics framework capable to face those new challenges. For such a purpose we study several state of the art libraries and tools covering all the ...
mar 29
Towards a full stack Python monitoring+analytics framework
Are traditional monitoring solutions ready for the software defined world (SDN/NFV) and the Internet of things (IoT)? Not always, in our opinion. In many cases they are not ready for the increasing flow of data originating from such a heterogeneous range of sources, in such diverse formats and through ...
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